Friday 15 November 2013

Ashley Psychology

Ashley Senior Florida State University Psychology

 Welcome to our world of USA and Uk chat rooms. Here you can meet people from all over the planet and talk about any topic that is on your mind. We provide you with video and audio chat rooms so you can talk to your friends or even family members that may be visiting another country or simply on vacation. We our a community site that protects our users that we all know try to ruin your experience. We offer a 5 Dollar membership that protects you and offer you a top knotch spam free experience to meet people that eventually become family to you. UsaChatroom has been around for over 8 years with members that visit here daily and have moved in permanently. UsaChatroom also offers you a community that keeps you updated on your friends and social events happening through out the site.. Its all here for you to explore and be a part of something that becomes a second family to you. Our moderators will make sure your visit is safe and one of your most enjoyable experiences online. We hope you give us a try and to find out that were all here for the same reasons and that's to have a good time.

Tuesday 5 November 2013


Katya Freshman Illinois State University Visual Communication
 Welcome to our world of USA and Uk chat rooms. Here you can meet people from all over the planet and talk about any topic that is on your mind. We provide you with video and audio chat rooms so you can talk to your friends or even family members that may be visiting another country or simply on vacation. We our a community site that protects our users that we all know try to ruin your experience. We offer a 5 Dollar membership that protects you and offer you a top knotch spam free experience to meet people that eventually become family to you. UsaChatroom has been around for over 8 years with members that visit here daily and have moved in permanently. UsaChatroom also offers you a community that keeps you updated on your friends and social events happening through out the site.. Its all here for you to explore and be a part of something that becomes a second family to you. Our moderators will make sure your visit is safe and one of your most enjoyable experiences online. We hope you give us a try and to find out that were all here for the same reasons and that's to have a good time.
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Monday 4 November 2013


Summer Freshman Northern Kentucky University Media Broadcasting

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Sunday 3 November 2013


Alexa Sophmore University Of Saint Thomas Music & Journalism

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Wednesday 17 April 2013


Kynsley from Lawrence, KS

School: Kansas University Year: Freshman Major: Psychology

  • What's one thing all guys do that they shouldn't?
    Lie. They may say they don't but it just comes naturally for them and I don't think they always realize when they do it. I already know you watch porn, check out other girls, are trying to get in my pants, haven't had as many sex partners as you tell your friends, and still have some sort of feelings for that one special ex girlfriend. So, lets just laugh and joke about it instead of beating around the bush. I'm confident enough to recognize they're other attractive girls out there and you're going to look at them (just no touching!!).
  • If any fantasy creature could be real, what would you choose?
    Most definitely Santa Claus (is that considered a creature?) because I miss being little and believing in him. When I was a kid my parents played up Santa amazingly. They would put boot prints in the fireplace, my dad learned calligraphy to write letters to us from Santa in and we left cookies, milk and carrots out for Santa and his reindeer. There's nothing like Christmas Eve as a child. Putting the cookies out, hanging the stocking up, reading The Night Before Christmas and then waking up your parents at 4am to see what Santa brought. There's nothing better than a man who can go around the world in one night and give toys to every child.
  • Movie everyone loves except you:
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail. For some reason I just couldn't get into it. I think the jokes are just silly. It's not that I don't understand the satire I just think the movie is kind of lame. It's not a horrible movie, I just don't like it.
  • Do you think you could survive in the woods for a week?
    Well, I recently went camping for four days although went into town everyday for a shower. But, I do honestly think I could do it if I had to. I can't say I'd enjoy being dirty and sleeping in a hot tent for 7 days but I'd give it a shot...just send a hot guy with me, I'll do just fine!
  • What's worse, an annoying laugh or a really loud snore?
    Probably an annoying laugh. You can't hide that in public and I love to laugh so to be around someone with a really annoying laugh might hinder that. A really loud snore can be remedied but there's nothing you can do for an annoying laugh.
  • Who is, in your opinion, the sexiest woman alive? Would you make out with her?
    It's honestly a tie between Ke$ha and Liv Tyler. They are sexy in totally opposite ways. Ke$ha is a funky party girl who would be great for experimenting with because I would assume she's down to try anything once with her "doesn't give a shit" attitude. But, on the other hand I've always had a crush on Liv Tyler. She's graceful, curvy and absolutely stunning. I would make out with either one happily, any day.
  • Have you ever been straight up rejected when you went in to kiss someone?
    Yes, in third grade I had my first "boyfriend" (I've been boy crazy since pre-school!) It was the last day of school and we were both moving away to different states. Out at recess that day I asked him to kiss me by spelling it out in the sand. He straight up at the age of 7 said "Sorry, I don't think I'm ready for that yet." I was crushed, apparently all the piggy back rides at recess and the holding hands underneath our desks meant nothing.
  • What's the least attractive piece of clothing you own?
    I have this hooded sweatshirt from when I was on the dance team in high school. It has stains on it, has holes, the works but I still love it because its so comfortable and I've had it for a long time now. I just can't part with it!
  • Why does Nickelback suck so hard?Their songs sound alike, their vocalist has no range (I think he gargles pine sol before performing?), and they continue to come out with repetitive garbage even though no one respects them. I think the better question is "Can you name one redeemable characteristic about Nickelback?"

  • What's the point of really fancy underwear? I'm talking like the really high end stuff.
    This is the wrong question for me because I don't know! As Gretchen Wilson says, "I can buy the same damn thing on the Wal Mart shelf half price and still look sexy." I'm a country girl from Kansas and can say I've never paid more that $15 for a single piece of underwear and haven't had an issue with it so far!

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