Wednesday 17 April 2013


Kynsley from Lawrence, KS

School: Kansas University Year: Freshman Major: Psychology

  • What's one thing all guys do that they shouldn't?
    Lie. They may say they don't but it just comes naturally for them and I don't think they always realize when they do it. I already know you watch porn, check out other girls, are trying to get in my pants, haven't had as many sex partners as you tell your friends, and still have some sort of feelings for that one special ex girlfriend. So, lets just laugh and joke about it instead of beating around the bush. I'm confident enough to recognize they're other attractive girls out there and you're going to look at them (just no touching!!).
  • If any fantasy creature could be real, what would you choose?
    Most definitely Santa Claus (is that considered a creature?) because I miss being little and believing in him. When I was a kid my parents played up Santa amazingly. They would put boot prints in the fireplace, my dad learned calligraphy to write letters to us from Santa in and we left cookies, milk and carrots out for Santa and his reindeer. There's nothing like Christmas Eve as a child. Putting the cookies out, hanging the stocking up, reading The Night Before Christmas and then waking up your parents at 4am to see what Santa brought. There's nothing better than a man who can go around the world in one night and give toys to every child.
  • Movie everyone loves except you:
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail. For some reason I just couldn't get into it. I think the jokes are just silly. It's not that I don't understand the satire I just think the movie is kind of lame. It's not a horrible movie, I just don't like it.
  • Do you think you could survive in the woods for a week?
    Well, I recently went camping for four days although went into town everyday for a shower. But, I do honestly think I could do it if I had to. I can't say I'd enjoy being dirty and sleeping in a hot tent for 7 days but I'd give it a shot...just send a hot guy with me, I'll do just fine!
  • What's worse, an annoying laugh or a really loud snore?
    Probably an annoying laugh. You can't hide that in public and I love to laugh so to be around someone with a really annoying laugh might hinder that. A really loud snore can be remedied but there's nothing you can do for an annoying laugh.
  • Who is, in your opinion, the sexiest woman alive? Would you make out with her?
    It's honestly a tie between Ke$ha and Liv Tyler. They are sexy in totally opposite ways. Ke$ha is a funky party girl who would be great for experimenting with because I would assume she's down to try anything once with her "doesn't give a shit" attitude. But, on the other hand I've always had a crush on Liv Tyler. She's graceful, curvy and absolutely stunning. I would make out with either one happily, any day.
  • Have you ever been straight up rejected when you went in to kiss someone?
    Yes, in third grade I had my first "boyfriend" (I've been boy crazy since pre-school!) It was the last day of school and we were both moving away to different states. Out at recess that day I asked him to kiss me by spelling it out in the sand. He straight up at the age of 7 said "Sorry, I don't think I'm ready for that yet." I was crushed, apparently all the piggy back rides at recess and the holding hands underneath our desks meant nothing.
  • What's the least attractive piece of clothing you own?
    I have this hooded sweatshirt from when I was on the dance team in high school. It has stains on it, has holes, the works but I still love it because its so comfortable and I've had it for a long time now. I just can't part with it!
  • Why does Nickelback suck so hard?Their songs sound alike, their vocalist has no range (I think he gargles pine sol before performing?), and they continue to come out with repetitive garbage even though no one respects them. I think the better question is "Can you name one redeemable characteristic about Nickelback?"

  • What's the point of really fancy underwear? I'm talking like the really high end stuff.
    This is the wrong question for me because I don't know! As Gretchen Wilson says, "I can buy the same damn thing on the Wal Mart shelf half price and still look sexy." I'm a country girl from Kansas and can say I've never paid more that $15 for a single piece of underwear and haven't had an issue with it so far!

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Saturday 13 April 2013


Jessica from Grosse Pointe Farms, MI

School: Wayne State University Year: Super Senior Major: Child Psychology

  • Snuggling, spooning or butterfly kisses?
    Spooning after getting forked.

What's the worst movie you ever paid to see in theaters?
The most recent movie I saw was Eclipse. Can't say it was amazing.

If you could be any insect (excluding a butterfly) what would you be?
A worm because I know I could survive being cut in half.

When you use public restrooms do you hover over the toilet?
I'm a squatter for sure.

What's a good hangover cure?
The hair of the dog that bit you. It really works to have a cold beer after you chug a few bottles of water.

When was the last time you spit?
I only spit when I brush my teeth which was this morning. I hate the feeling of spitting or seeing spit. It makes me gag. It's so much easier to just swallow whatever is in your mouth.

If you could live in any fantasy world, which one would it be and why?
Super Mario World so I could have Yoshi as my pet.


What do you want to be when you grow up?
A first grade teacher and trophy wife.

What's the thing that makes you laugh every time you see it?
Dad's driving mini vans.

Why does Nickelback suck so hard?
Because they write lyrics like this and think it's cool: "And I like the way you're not impressed While you put me to the test I like the white stains on your dress" Who's proud of taking a girl out wearing a cum stained dress...especially when it's not your own cum? I wouldn't brag about banging wannabe playmates with daddy issues...
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Thursday 11 April 2013


Sarah from knoxville, TN

School: University of Tennessee Year: Junior Major: Biochemistry


  • What's your REAL hair color?
    I am a brunette! I love my hair color but sometimes I do like to go darker. It makes you look more mysterious and exotic!

    If the two short sides of a right triangle are three and four what is the length of the longest side?
    5! That's right people. I go to college!
    You have to choose one state in the U.S. to get rid of, which one?
    Hopefully I don't piss anyone off but... Alaska. What have they contributed to the US and who would want to live in that cold weather?
    Shower or bath?
    Shower!!! Unless it is a bubble bath.
    Would you rather eat a tarantula or a snake?
    Probably a snake. I don't think I could handle the little hairy legs of the tarantula.

    Who was your first celebrity crush?
    I LOVED Leonardo DiCaprio! After I saw him in Romeo and Juliet I was like oh yeah I'm going to marry him!
    How many pounds is "fat" to a girl?
    As long as you are confident and healthy it doesn't matter what the scale says. :)
    What's the thing that makes you laugh every time you see it?
    A picture of my dog at my parent's house. I have a one year old golden retriever named Harley who my mom treats as the son she never had. It's framed in their living room like it's one of her kid's graduation pictures or something! haha It gets me every time!
    If you HAD to get a tattoo on your face, what would it be of?
    Haha oh gosh. On my face?! Well I guess if I had to I would get a huge hot pink heart so I can share the love!

    What's the point of really fancy underwear? I'm talking like the really high end stuff.
    Well, If you must know. Fancy underwear just makes you feel so much sexier! Even if no one else knows you have them on, you do and it's like a sexy little secret.
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Hunter from Round Rock, TX

School: The Art Institute Of Austin Year: Freshman Major: Design

  • What is the closest you've ever been to death?
    I had a brand new mini copper my parents bought for me and about a month after having my super rad car i went on a joy ride with a friend only 3 min. away from my parents house. All we wanted to do was ride around and listen to The Shins... about 5 min into our joy ride we realized we were no longer on a joy ride. My car lost control on some loose gravel and i slammed on the breaks..of course my new ride had anti lock breaks, which my dad thought that was necessary to get...not cool. I opened my eyes and realized we were upside down in a ditch. The spot i landed in happened to be a ditch the perfect size of my car. So not only did i crash my car, i had to call my parents who were accross the country seeing a Broadway show and tell them the bad news. Like any parents they were not to happy with me. Moral of this story is never put The Shins on while joy bueno.
  • What is the earliest time of day you're ever started drinking and why?
    Doesn't everyone have beer for breakfast?
  • If the moon became an independent nation what do you think would be a good name for the moon country?
    What kind of question is this? Im way to sober to answer this one right now.
  • I have a theory that girls can't whistle, can you?

    I can whistle pretty darn good...pratice would make my whistling technique a little better if thats even possible.
  • Who is the hottest female Disney character?
    I would say Jasmine because she has great hair, crazy rock-hard abs and is also super wealthy what more can you ask for?
  • What's more important to you, your brains or your looks?
    For normal people, brains would come first. But for me I never thought about it being something I had to choose between. Why choose when you have both?
  • Describe the first time you ever made out with someone.
    To be honest i dont really remember my first that bad? I know that the boy i made out with will remember it for the rest of his life.
  • Be honest: do you exercise?
    Dancing on top of bars is my cardio workout. HAHA Im kidding I would say Im a pretty active person. Im always on the move whether Im swiming, running or hiking to my favorite rope swing spot. Once you stop moving and being active you will start dying. You can't miss anything in life, these times will never come back to you. ENJOY YOUR YOUTH!
  • Rollercoasters or waterslides?
    I would have to say rollercoasters because they are a huge adrenaline rush. I love the feeling when Im at an amusement park its almost like im 12 again, minus the boobs.
  • How long have you been a hot girl?
    I have been a hot girl ever since I left my mothers womb in 1989. In these 21 years of my life i have learned to perfect the hottness.
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Ashton from Tallahassee, FL

School: Florida State University Year: Super Senior Major: English Literature


  • You have to pitch a completely original show to a huge network. Go.
    Don't steal this but, I thought of it for a movie but I guess it could work for TV as well. Here's my pitch: A middle-class family loses their father and the kids (mom already knew of course) find out that their dad was actually filthy stinkin' rich from dealing drugs back in his hey-day. Hence they end up going on lavish trips, getting sweet cars, and whatever else paid for and per request of their father in his will. Also along the way they meet people their dad dealt with, etc, etc... Yeah that's all I got so far. And I guess if it's too sad, the dad doesn't have to die...
  • What was your senior superlative? Senior quote?
    Best-looking (out of a class of about 70 people). And my senior quote was "Imagination is more important than knowledge" from Albert Einstein. I thought my quote was pretty hilarious because I was in school claiming my imagination (which I have plenty of) was more important that what I was learning.
  • How many Twinkies could you eat?
    Eh, I'm not really a Twinkie fan but I could probably eat like four Little Debbies.
  • What is the worst song in the world and why?
    Well, a bunch of guys showed me the video to this song but it's called "Spectacular" by Kiely Williams and pleaseeee watch the video. This girl was in Cheetah Girls (should have stuck to that) and looks like a freakin hooker in the video. Anyways, the song sucks but the video is pretty damn funny to watch. Oh did I mention the song is about her "spectacular" sex with some random guy? Yeah, she may or may not be a hooker now...
  • What's one male fashion accessory you could do without?
    White sunglasses. They just scream "douche bag". Oh and white shoes are kind of rough.
  • Describe one time when you barfed.
    J?rmeister... Let's just say the vomit was black and that's about all I remember from that fateful night.
  • What's your favorite Eleanor Roosevelt quotation?
    Oh good one guys... But I took the liberty to look some up and my "favorite" has to be: "I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: no good in a bed, but fine up against a wall." She must have been a kinky lady.
  • How many piercings do you have?
    Six. Three in each ear (two of which are not in use at ze moment). Yeah, I know kind of lame.
  • People who say "Reesies Piecies" instead of Reese's Pieces: What up with that?
    Well, I'm one of those people, you got a problem with it? Plus that's what my grandma calls it and are you going to say my grandma is wrong?
  • Is your mom on Facebook, and what does she do with it?
    Oh geez, yes and it makes me regret the day I introduced her to it. My mom updates her status about every day and uses my photos as her profile pictures. Oh and when she is drunk (like last time she went to Atlantic City) she drunkenly updates her statuses...
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Becca from Newhall, CA

School: College of the Canyons Year: Junior Major: English

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  • What is the grossest thing you ever ate?
    I stay far away from gross foods, but I think overall I would have to say alligator. I'm pretty sure I ate it when I was really little, they even told me it was chicken...
  • If the moon became an independent nation what do you think would be a good name for the moon country?
    Luna Nation. I'm pretty sure Luna was the Roman goddess of the moon, so I think it's pretty fitting and relatively pretty.
  • If we all had novelty gravestones, what would yours say?
    My gravestone would say something like, "I'm coming back to haunt loved ones unless there's beer where I'm going"
  • What're you wearing right now, baby?
    A. There's one person who gets to call me baby. B. Explaining my ensemble via typing would clearly not be doing it justice. C. Use your imagination :)
  • Have you ever been grounded?
    I haven't really. My parents called it being on "restriction" but I was never really on it. They would just make my curfew earlier as a punishment.
  • Have you ever gotten/given a wedgie?
    Oh wow. Yes, and I'll let you decide if it was either gotten or given.
  • Guilty pleasure (not something lame like cookie dough):
    Salacious celebrity gossip, and "reality" television shows.
  • Most embarrassing moment:
    Of course this question would come up. I honestly can't even think of one. I have done my very best to block out traumatic experiences in my life.
  • What is the one thing you wish you could do better than anyone?
    Write. When I read something brilliant, all I can think about is how I wish I can write something that would give someone the same feeling I get. I would love to be the female version of Chuck Palahniuk and write something classic like Fight Club.
  • Supposing they aren't fugly, is there anything anyone could say to you that would automatically get you to hook up with them?
    Actually, no. I don't really hook up with people I just meet. I find the lack of not knowing where their mouths have been a tad creepy. However; music, movies and literature are weak spots of mine.
